

Various utility functions for internal use

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
copyUpperToLower arg1
Signature: '?100803 [,] -> '?100803 [,]
Type parameters: '?100803

Copies the upper triangular elements of the square matrix given in the 2d array m to the lower triangular part

diagonal arg1
Signature: '?100799 [,] -> '?100799 []
Type parameters: '?100799

Gets an array containing the diagonal elements of the square 2d array m

isInteger a
Signature: a:float -> bool

Checks whether a float contains an integer value

matrixSolveHelper lu b
Signature: lu:^a [,] -> b:^a [] -> ^a []
Type parameters: ^a, ^?100806

Finds an array that, when multiplied by an LU matrix lu, gives array b

trace m
Signature: m:^?100801 [,] -> ^?100801
Type parameters: ^?100801

Gets the trace of the square matrix given in the 2d array m

transpose m
Signature: m:'?100797 [,] -> '?100797 [,]
Type parameters: '?100797

Gets the transpose of the 2d array m

Active patterns

Active patternDescription
( |Square| ) m
Signature: m:'?100795 [,] -> '?100795 [,]
Type parameters: '?100795

Checks whether the 2d array m has the same number of elements in both dimensions